Selasa, 04 November 2014



Diajukan Untuk Memenuhi Tugas Perbaikan Makalah Dalam Mata Kuliah
Pengantar Bahasa Inggris

Disusun Oleh :

Fitria Merisa, S.PdI

TAHUN AJARAN 2014/2015

indonesia sends 17 muslim students to southern thailand
the jakarta post, jakarta | september 12 2014 | 2:15 pm

.has sent 17 muslim students from islamic boarding schools across the country to southern thailand as part of an exchange program with the southern border province administrative center (SBPAC), thailand
The ministry’s boarding school education spokesperson Mohammad Zen said on Friday that the students –who hailed from boarding schools like Al Masuria in sukabumi (West Java), Al Kautsar in Batam (Riau Island), Qomarul Huda in Lombok (West Nusa Tenggara), Darul Amal in Metro Lampung (Lampung) and Al Ittifaq in Bndung (West Java) – were scheduled to undertake three – year agribusiness program at six colleges across Southern Thailand.
Zen explained that the 17 students would be entitle to scholarship allowances worth 54,000 Thai bath or about US$1,678 per year; adding that the student exchange program was a follow up from an agreement between the ministry and the SBPAC that was inked at the princes of Naradhiwas University in Thailand in September 2013.
“From Thailand, the SBPAC sends several students to study in undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs at several Indonesian univertsities, including the State Islamic University of Jakarta and Yogyakarta,” he said as quoted by Antara news agency.
The Indonesian student left for Thailand on Thursday after undergoing a cultural orientation program at the Thai Consulate in Jakarta and reiceiving intensive langguage training from a Thai exchange student, arphandee, at the State islamic University of Jakarta (hhr)

Adalah bagian yang sangat penting di dalam bahasa inggris yang digunakan sebagai penggabungan atau untuk menggabungkan suatu kalimat.
Contoh: “wanita yang memakai topi biru adalah ibu saya”
              Terdiri dari 2 bentuk yaitu:
              Wanita memekai topi biru.
              Wanita itu adalah ibu saya.
The woman who wears the blue hat is my mother
Adjective clause : who wears the blue hat.
Penggunaan adjective clause di tandai dengan kata:

Indonesia sends 17 muslim students to southern thailand
Adjective clause :

The ministry’s boarding schools education spokesperson muhammad zen said on Friday that the 17 student who hailed from boarding schools like Al Masuria in sukabumi (West Java), Al Kautsar in Batam (Riau Island), Qomarul Huda in Lombok (West Nusa Tenggara), Darul Amal in Metro Lampung (Lampung) and Al Ittifaq in Bndung (West Java) – were scheduled to undertake three – year agribusiness program at six colleges across Southern Thailand.

Zen explained that the 17 students would be entitle to scholarship allowances worth 54,000 Thai bath or about US$1,678 per year; adding that the student exchange program was a follow up from an agreement between the ministry and the SBPAC that was inked at the princes of Naradhiwas University in Thailand in September 2013.

Berfungsi sebagai noun (kata benda), yang mana dapat berfungsi sebagai subject maupun object di dalam suatu clase atau phrase. Karena berfungsi sebagai kata benda, maka dapat di gantikan dengan pronoun it.
~fungsi noun clause
1.      Noun clause sebagai subject kalimat (subject of sentence)
2.      Noun clause sebagai object verb transitif (object of a transitive verb)
3.      Noun clause sebagai object preposisi (object of a preposition)
4.      Noun clause sebagai pelengkap (cpmplement)
5.      Noun clause sebagai pemberi keterangan tambahan (noun in apposition)

Indonesia sends 17 muslim students to southren thailand.
Noun clause
~ Noun clause sebagai subject kalimat (subject of sentence)
has sent 17 muslim students from islamic boarding schools across the country to southern thailand as part of an exchange program with the southern border province administrative center (SBPAC), thailand

~ Noun clause sebagai subject kalimat (subject of sentence)
“From Thailand, the SBPAC sends several students to study in undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs at several Indonesian univertsities, including the State Islamic University of Jakarta and Yogyakarta,” he said as quoted by Antara news agency.

~ Noun clause sebagai object verb transitif (object of a transitive verb)
The ministry’s boarding school education spokesperson Mohammad Zen said on Friday that the students –who hailed from boarding schools like Al Masuria in sukabumi (West Java), Al Kautsar in Batam (Riau Island), Qomarul Huda in Lombok (West Nusa Tenggara), Darul Amal in Metro Lampung (Lampung) and Al Ittifaq in Bndung (West Java) – were scheduled to undertake three – year agribusiness program at six colleges across Southern Thailand.

~Noun clause sebagai pemberi keterangan tambahan (noun in apposition)
has sent 17 muslim students from islamic boarding schools across the country to southern thailand as part of an exchange program with the southern border province administrative center (SBPAC), thailand

Gerund adalah suatu kata yang dibentuk dari verb dengan di tambahkan akhiran ing dan berfungsi sebagai noun, walaupun berfungsi sebagai noun namun berlaku seperti verb.
Rumus : verb + ing

Infinitive adalah sebuah kata kerja yang menggunakan to dan di ikuti oleh verb.
Rumus : to + verb

Penggunaan gerund and infinitive
1.      Keduanya dapat digunakan sebagai subject of a sentence
2.      Keduanya dapat digunakan sebagai subject complement namun gerund lebih umum digunakan.
Contoh :
My goal is winning the prize
My goal is to win the prize

Indonesia sends 17 muslim students to southern thailand
~has sent 17 muslim students from islamic boarding schools across the country to southern thailand as part of an exchange program with the southern border province administrative center (SBPAC), thailand.
~ adding that the student exchange program was a follow up from an agreement.
~ the indonesian student left for thailand on Thursday, after undergoing a cultural orientation program at the Thai consulate in Jakarta.
~ from thailand,  the SBPAC sends several student to study in undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs at several indonesia universities.

Digunakan dalam berbagai jenis tulisan, seperti surat kabar, artikel, cerita dan novel serta tulisan akademis.
Direct and indirect speech adalah kalimat langsung dan kalimat tidak langsung.
Direct speech adalah kalimat langsung yang di ucapkan oleh pembicara.
Indirect speech adalah kalimat yang di ucapkan untuk melaporkan kata-kata si pembicara kepada orang lain secara tidak langsung.

Indonesia sends 17 muslim student to southern thailand
~ Qouted
Zen explained that the 17 students would be entitle to scholarship allowances worth 54,000 Thai bath or about US$1,678 per year; adding that the student exchange program was a follow up from an agreement between the ministry and the SBPAC that was inked at the princes of Naradhiwas University in Thailand in September 2013.
~ Direct speech
“From Thailand, the SBPAC sends several students to study in undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs at several Indonesian univertsities, including the State Islamic University of Jakarta and in Yogyakarta” he said as quoted by Antara news agency.

1.      Pertanyaan dari shintia meilani :
Kapankah indonesia mengirimkan 17 siswa muslim ke thailand selatan tersebut? Apakah ada keterangan waktu yang di jelaskan ?
Di dalam artikel “indonesia sends 17 muslim students to southhern thailand” mahasiswa berangkat ke thailand pada hari kamis setelah menjalani program orientasi budaya di konsulat thailand di jakarta.
Keterangan waktunya tidak di sebutkan jam, tanggal, bulan dan tahun berapa.

2.      Pertanyaan dari hendra setiawan :
Sebutkan perubahan waktu dan keterangan tempat yang ada di dalam direct and indirect speech ?
Jawaban :
1.      Now
2.      This morning
3.      This…
4.      Today
5.      Tomorrow
6.      Next…
7.      Yesterday
8.      Last week
9.      Last…
10. This
11. These

1.      Then
2.      That morning
3.      That…
4.      That day
5.      The next day/the following day
6.      The…after/the following
7.      The day before/the previous day
8.      The week before/the previous week
9.      The…before/the previous
10. That
11. Those




Diajukan Untuk Memenuhi Tugas Perbaikan Makalah Dalam Mata Kuliah
Pengantar Bahasa Inggris

Disusun Oleh :

Fitria Merisa, S.PdI

TAHUN AJARAN 2014/2015

indonesia sends 17 muslim students to southern thailand
the jakarta post, jakarta | september 12 2014 | 2:15 pm

.has sent 17 muslim students from islamic boarding schools across the country to southern thailand as part of an exchange program with the southern border province administrative center (SBPAC), thailand
The ministry’s boarding school education spokesperson Mohammad Zen said on Friday that the students –who hailed from boarding schools like Al Masuria in sukabumi (West Java), Al Kautsar in Batam (Riau Island), Qomarul Huda in Lombok (West Nusa Tenggara), Darul Amal in Metro Lampung (Lampung) and Al Ittifaq in Bndung (West Java) – were scheduled to undertake three – year agribusiness program at six colleges across Southern Thailand.
Zen explained that the 17 students would be entitle to scholarship allowances worth 54,000 Thai bath or about US$1,678 per year; adding that the student exchange program was a follow up from an agreement between the ministry and the SBPAC that was inked at the princes of Naradhiwas University in Thailand in September 2013.
“From Thailand, the SBPAC sends several students to study in undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs at several Indonesian univertsities, including the State Islamic University of Jakarta and Yogyakarta,” he said as quoted by Antara news agency.
The Indonesian student left for Thailand on Thursday after undergoing a cultural orientation program at the Thai Consulate in Jakarta and reiceiving intensive langguage training from a Thai exchange student, arphandee, at the State islamic University of Jakarta (hhr)

Adalah bagian yang sangat penting di dalam bahasa inggris yang digunakan sebagai penggabungan atau untuk menggabungkan suatu kalimat.
Contoh: “wanita yang memakai topi biru adalah ibu saya”
              Terdiri dari 2 bentuk yaitu:
              Wanita memekai topi biru.
              Wanita itu adalah ibu saya.
The woman who wears the blue hat is my mother
Adjective clause : who wears the blue hat.
Penggunaan adjective clause di tandai dengan kata:

Indonesia sends 17 muslim students to southern thailand
Adjective clause :

The ministry’s boarding schools education spokesperson muhammad zen said on Friday that the 17 student who hailed from boarding schools like Al Masuria in sukabumi (West Java), Al Kautsar in Batam (Riau Island), Qomarul Huda in Lombok (West Nusa Tenggara), Darul Amal in Metro Lampung (Lampung) and Al Ittifaq in Bndung (West Java) – were scheduled to undertake three – year agribusiness program at six colleges across Southern Thailand.

Zen explained that the 17 students would be entitle to scholarship allowances worth 54,000 Thai bath or about US$1,678 per year; adding that the student exchange program was a follow up from an agreement between the ministry and the SBPAC that was inked at the princes of Naradhiwas University in Thailand in September 2013.

Berfungsi sebagai noun (kata benda), yang mana dapat berfungsi sebagai subject maupun object di dalam suatu clase atau phrase. Karena berfungsi sebagai kata benda, maka dapat di gantikan dengan pronoun it.
~fungsi noun clause
1.      Noun clause sebagai subject kalimat (subject of sentence)
2.      Noun clause sebagai object verb transitif (object of a transitive verb)
3.      Noun clause sebagai object preposisi (object of a preposition)
4.      Noun clause sebagai pelengkap (cpmplement)
5.      Noun clause sebagai pemberi keterangan tambahan (noun in apposition)

Indonesia sends 17 muslim students to southren thailand.
Noun clause
~ Noun clause sebagai subject kalimat (subject of sentence)
has sent 17 muslim students from islamic boarding schools across the country to southern thailand as part of an exchange program with the southern border province administrative center (SBPAC), thailand

~ Noun clause sebagai subject kalimat (subject of sentence)
“From Thailand, the SBPAC sends several students to study in undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs at several Indonesian univertsities, including the State Islamic University of Jakarta and Yogyakarta,” he said as quoted by Antara news agency.

~ Noun clause sebagai object verb transitif (object of a transitive verb)
The ministry’s boarding school education spokesperson Mohammad Zen said on Friday that the students –who hailed from boarding schools like Al Masuria in sukabumi (West Java), Al Kautsar in Batam (Riau Island), Qomarul Huda in Lombok (West Nusa Tenggara), Darul Amal in Metro Lampung (Lampung) and Al Ittifaq in Bndung (West Java) – were scheduled to undertake three – year agribusiness program at six colleges across Southern Thailand.

~Noun clause sebagai pemberi keterangan tambahan (noun in apposition)
has sent 17 muslim students from islamic boarding schools across the country to southern thailand as part of an exchange program with the southern border province administrative center (SBPAC), thailand

Gerund adalah suatu kata yang dibentuk dari verb dengan di tambahkan akhiran ing dan berfungsi sebagai noun, walaupun berfungsi sebagai noun namun berlaku seperti verb.
Rumus : verb + ing

Infinitive adalah sebuah kata kerja yang menggunakan to dan di ikuti oleh verb.
Rumus : to + verb

Penggunaan gerund and infinitive
1.      Keduanya dapat digunakan sebagai subject of a sentence
2.      Keduanya dapat digunakan sebagai subject complement namun gerund lebih umum digunakan.
Contoh :
My goal is winning the prize
My goal is to win the prize

Indonesia sends 17 muslim students to southern thailand
~has sent 17 muslim students from islamic boarding schools across the country to southern thailand as part of an exchange program with the southern border province administrative center (SBPAC), thailand.
~ adding that the student exchange program was a follow up from an agreement.
~ the indonesian student left for thailand on Thursday, after undergoing a cultural orientation program at the Thai consulate in Jakarta.
~ from thailand,  the SBPAC sends several student to study in undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs at several indonesia universities.

Digunakan dalam berbagai jenis tulisan, seperti surat kabar, artikel, cerita dan novel serta tulisan akademis.
Direct and indirect speech adalah kalimat langsung dan kalimat tidak langsung.
Direct speech adalah kalimat langsung yang di ucapkan oleh pembicara.
Indirect speech adalah kalimat yang di ucapkan untuk melaporkan kata-kata si pembicara kepada orang lain secara tidak langsung.

Indonesia sends 17 muslim student to southern thailand
~ Qouted
Zen explained that the 17 students would be entitle to scholarship allowances worth 54,000 Thai bath or about US$1,678 per year; adding that the student exchange program was a follow up from an agreement between the ministry and the SBPAC that was inked at the princes of Naradhiwas University in Thailand in September 2013.
~ Direct speech
“From Thailand, the SBPAC sends several students to study in undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs at several Indonesian univertsities, including the State Islamic University of Jakarta and in Yogyakarta” he said as quoted by Antara news agency.

1.      Pertanyaan dari shintia meilani :
Kapankah indonesia mengirimkan 17 siswa muslim ke thailand selatan tersebut? Apakah ada keterangan waktu yang di jelaskan ?
Di dalam artikel “indonesia sends 17 muslim students to southhern thailand” mahasiswa berangkat ke thailand pada hari kamis setelah menjalani program orientasi budaya di konsulat thailand di jakarta.
Keterangan waktunya tidak di sebutkan jam, tanggal, bulan dan tahun berapa.

2.      Pertanyaan dari hendra setiawan :
Sebutkan perubahan waktu dan keterangan tempat yang ada di dalam direct and indirect speech ?
Jawaban :
1.      Now
2.      This morning
3.      This…
4.      Today
5.      Tomorrow
6.      Next…
7.      Yesterday
8.      Last week
9.      Last…
10. This
11. These

1.      Then
2.      That morning
3.      That…
4.      That day
5.      The next day/the following day
6.      The…after/the following
7.      The day before/the previous day
8.      The week before/the previous week
9.      The…before/the previous
10. That
11. Those

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